[换片]*結束* more 可愛、動物&欧米新西兰土耳其的明信片

发起人:Zhaozi · 2009年6月3日

截止日期 2010-6-3


想要明信片:UNESCO片、风景片、传统服饰民族特色服饰的片、中国特色建筑的片 等等

*This is my 4th thread. I have uploaded lots more cards for trade. If you are interested please take a look at my album & drop me a line* 你好!こんにちは! 非常喜欢明信片的我片龄2年 我曾经在中国度过了快乐的3年时光,每个假期都会到各地旅游。我喜欢中国和中国的人、文化、音乐、食物、少数民族……可以说全部都很喜欢~希望可以通过在这里和你们的交流知道更多的东西 I have some "Kawaii" cards for trade. Please take a look: *something lovely & cute* http://picasaweb.google.co.jp/lovelypostcard24/ForTradePrivateSomethingLovely?authkey=Gv1sRgCIHS1fq6q6DpZA&feat=directlink also these cards as well: *cards of Europe* http://picasaweb.google.co.jp/lovelypostcard24/CardsForTradeEurope?authkey=Gv1sRgCJ65m_7O-9CUgAE&feat=directlink *cards of US & other American countries* http://picasaweb.google.co.jp/lovelypostcard24/CardsForTradeNorthSouthAmerica?authkey=Gv1sRgCMmV4dCcldXWrQE&feat=directlink *cards of Turkey, New Zealand and more...* http://picasaweb.google.co.jp/lovelypostcard24/TurkeyNewZealandCardsMore?authkey=Gv1sRgCIOcq6XWz4LUygE&feat=directlink and cards of cats, dog & wild animals http://picasaweb.google.co.jp/lovelypostcard24/CardsOfCatsDogsWildAnimalsPrivate?authkey=Gv1sRgCKW7k8f4pMWlVw&feat=directlink ATTENTION!!! Please choose cards ONLY from these files. I do NOT trade Japanese cards this time. 想要的片~ UNESCO片 漂亮的风景片(西藏 内蒙古草原 云南 贵州 新疆等等,通过明信片来向我展示中国所有美丽的地方吧) 关于传统服饰民族特色服饰的片 地图片 关于中国特色建筑的片(福建土楼 贵州民居 等々) 邮政相关(邮筒片 邮票片等等) *谢绝广告片和卡通片* 请务必套寄!!  我比较喜欢没有写过字的片,实寄也可以保证收到时完美无缺~  套寄时请附上一张小纸条写一些关于你的事情或者介绍一下这张片~ *All my replies will be written in English* 如果想和我通片,随时告诉我~ I am so sorry but I will send these cards in envelope -bigger sized cards (If I need to send bigger sized card I have to pay more than 3 times as much as regular sized card) -if you choose a lot of cards (if you choose 1 regular sized card I will send the card written & stamped) Please understand my situation *I will upload more cards to my album so please keep your eye on it & let me know anytime you find your favorite cards there*

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