
发起人:(上海) · 2016年7月18日

截止日期 2016-8-14


I see you, lying on the grass. I see you, soaring in the sky. I see you, floating on the sea. I see you, walking in the field. I see you, laughing in the rain. I see you, shuttling in the street. I see you, driving along the river. I see you, bathing in the sunlight. I see you, exploring in the woods. I see you, working in skyscrapers. I see you, enjoying studying at school. I see you, looking for pleasure in hills. I see you, heading straight in the wind. I see you, standing beside the rainbow. I see you, pondering under the moonlight. I see you, in every corner of the world. ICY, celebrating the ninth anniversary:) Happy birthday, ICY! 20160815 Don’t try to hide your joy, click on ‘join’ to deliver happiness. Hoping to see you every year in www. icardyou.com . Please help promote~ 哈哈,官方活动之前也是有几次的,懒得数,于是就n往上加吧以后。 如果对ICY有好的意见或者建议,可以写片至魂的邮政信箱,也许就被采纳了呢?可以抽ID或者去豆瓣找我的信箱地址。也希望大家积极活跃,让ID冲破80万大关! 本活动所有片将于2016年8月15日当天寄出,请参加的ICYer确保8月后半旬邮路畅通,谢谢。不限地区,欢迎参加。

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